Promise (A Podcast)
Season 5, Episode 1 - Printable solar panels and self-driving cars

Season 5, Episode 1 - Printable solar panels and self-driving cars

Welcome to Season 5!

We’re changing the format up a little bit. I’m now joined by a co-host Ben. You won’t find much of him on social media, but once you meet him I’m sure you’ll agree he more than makes up for that with deep curiosity and a remarkable ability to explain complex topics in simple terms.

Together, we will cover news in emerging science and tech, and discuss how that might shape humanity in the near future. Hopefully, the discussion we have will inspire you to make change, and consider what the future you want should look like.

In this episode, we cover printable solar panels, alternate realities, and autonomous vehicles. When all these converge, what do utopia and dystopia look like? Join us as we explore all this and more.

Big shoutout to AG for the new intro music!

Sean’s links:

  1. IIHS Automated Driving Evaluation Results

  2. Carmakers tracking drivers for insurance data

  3. Visionary Machines coming out of stealth

  4. BMW’s i Vision Dee concept at CES2023

A post shared by @verge

Ben’s links:

  1. Scientists reveal the first unconventional superconductor that can be found in mineral form in nature

  2. Printable solar panels from CSIRO

  3. The best of digital and analog computing

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Promise (A Podcast)
Promise is a show dedicated to the underdog driven by purpose to make the world better. Be they entrepreneurs, writers, academics, or more; Promise aims to get them some airtime.
Every episode of Promise is an open-ended discussion on... well, the idea of Promise itself. Whether that’s the potential for success, or the commitments we make to get there, Promise showcases tomorrow’s heroes before they get famous.