Promise (A Podcast)
Season 5, Episode 7 - The Death of Democracy, and other light topics.

Season 5, Episode 7 - The Death of Democracy, and other light topics.

This episode, we chat about everything from spy headphones, to synthetic bones, officially-sanctioned election deepfakes, battery tech, mental disorders, to AI dating agents and so much more. The topics begin to converge around how emerging tech is rapidly changing what we understand of our society. What do the concepts of democracy or business mean in this new world? What about how we view fictional icons, known for being at the forefront of tech? Or what we understand of our own health? How do we keep up? All this and more, coming right up.

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Ben’s links:

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Promise (A Podcast)
Promise is a show dedicated to the underdog driven by purpose to make the world better. Be they entrepreneurs, writers, academics, or more; Promise aims to get them some airtime.
Every episode of Promise is an open-ended discussion on... well, the idea of Promise itself. Whether that’s the potential for success, or the commitments we make to get there, Promise showcases tomorrow’s heroes before they get famous.