Promise (A Podcast)
Season 5, Episode 8 - Whats the upside to terminator dogs and icky biocomputers?

Season 5, Episode 8 - Whats the upside to terminator dogs and icky biocomputers?

As usual this week we try to cover the latest advancements in technology and science, and mapping them against potential ethical dilemmas. Among the inventions we cover, I specifically want to call out China's rifle-equipped robot dogs, and the really, REALLY, unsettling use of human brain tissue in computing. We had a less structured conversation today to focus mainly on these topics, as they’re some of the more dystopian inventions we’ve covered to date. Join in, and see how we try and chart the upside to them.

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Promise (A Podcast)
Promise is a show dedicated to the underdog driven by purpose to make the world better. Be they entrepreneurs, writers, academics, or more; Promise aims to get them some airtime.
Every episode of Promise is an open-ended discussion on... well, the idea of Promise itself. Whether that’s the potential for success, or the commitments we make to get there, Promise showcases tomorrow’s heroes before they get famous.